
Unlocking the combined power of ideas and human capital where it is closest to our hearts.


Up until this day, no one knows the solution to one of the most pressing social problems nation-states - especially of the Eastern European region - face in the 21st century: brain drain. How can brain drain be mitigated and human capital be channelled back to the mother country?

Future: Hungary opens up access to Hungarian talent pool previously unprecedented in its size, excellence and aptitude. Our mission is to transform brain-drain into brain-gain by creating unique opportunities and solutions that combine the power of ideas with valuable talent and human capital. As such, Future: Hungary helps intellectual capital represented by talented young Hungarians get unlocked in Hungary in order to enable Hungary’s development.

We believe in creating platforms that transform the mere desire to give back into a willingness to act and engage in mitigating brain drain, both in the short and in the long-run by bringing together today’s decision makers with tomorrow’s decision makers.


The future is in your hands. Be the change.

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